

Youth & Education

ReFocus was a collection of short films made in partnership with West Mercia Women’s Aid. 

The films explore the impact that domestic abuse has on young people - particularly those living in rural areas - and were made with those who have lived through domestic abuse but are now living in safety.

Watch Trust

"Powerfully brought across the emotional impacts and effect of Domestic Violence on young people…young people have been the unseen victims and have traditionally nowhere to go to about domestic abuse…cinemas should be encouraged to screen such films before main features."

Richard Gabb, Herefordshire Council

Watch the other films in the collection below 

Question   Space  and  The Things We Took With Us  

We creatively explored young people’s experience of domestic abuse and the content helped to identify possible gaps in service provision and support for young victims.

The films had a significant impact on Local Safeguarding Children Boards and at national conferences.



The Things we took with us
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