Our Place



An ambitious new arts and health project is unfolding in Herefordshire, ‘Our Place’ explores how the wellbeing of communities can be supported by making creative activities together.  

From 2024-27, Herefordshire Cultural Partnership’s ‘Our Place’ project will deliver a transformative programme of creative activity, investigating how arts and health can improve people’s lives in three key areas of Herefordshire. ‘Our Place’ will transform the way people connect with and benefit from being part of cultural activities, improving health, wellbeing, community spirit & pride.  

Rural Media is one of three cultural organisations, alongside Leominster Cultural Consortium and Meadow Arts, that will each build on their links within an area to build connections with local communities, and to co-create and exhibit digital art, live performance work, and visual art. They will collaborate with local residents and groups to explore how creative habits and creative production can sustainably support communities to deeply connect with their places, and how access to cultural activity can improve lives and respond to issues that are specific to each place.   

Our Place Herefordshire is generously supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and match funding from Herefordshire Council under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and public health funding. 

To stay up to date on the project and find out how to get involved, sign up to the Our Place mailing list below.


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