Rural Media Policies

 Rural Media is committed to working in an open and accountable way that builds the trust and respect of all our stakeholders. We also want to ensure the highest standards of ethics and performance across all areas of our organisation. Interested parties can download our main policies from this page. All our policies are regularly reviewed and updated and staff training given as appropriate. 

Health and Safety Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Online Safety policy

Editorial Policy Statement

Social Media Policy

Anti-bullying & Harassment Policy

Environmental Policy

External Complaints Procedure

Appeals Procedure

Welsh Language Policy

Data Protection Policy

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Inclusion, innovation and new voices have been at the very heart of Rural Media’s work since its foundation thirty years ago. Being accessible, representative, and diversifying talent are core strategic aims, which are embedded in the ethos of the charity and led by its senior management team and board of trustees. Having been founded on equality, diversity and inclusion principles, our senior team, staff and trustees are determined over the long term to maintain and deepen the impact of these core principles.

All our policies and processes are driven by a commitment to create opportunity for disadvantaged communities, diverse talent, and to produce compelling content for diverse local, national and international audiences.  This document outlines our guiding principles with regard to diversity and representation within and for Rural Media.